About Us

Starting out as a hobby, I was quickly inspired by these amazing insects and started the Bee Inspired Honey Company.

Our aim is to provide the most authentic raw honey and natural products made from honey, beeswax and proplis.

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South African Sourced Raw Honey

South African Sourced Raw Honey

The Bee Inspired Honey is proud to offer you a wide range... 

Beeswax Skincare Range

Beeswax Skincare Range

Collection of all our products made from pure beeswax, natural oils and... 

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  • Honey

    Bees collect nectar from various flowers. This is then passed on to a number of bees within the hive and finally placed into a honeycomb cell. The bees will then dehydrate this nectar which will eventually turn it into honey.

    It takes 12 bees to make just one teaspoon of honey and they will visit over 2 million flowers to produce just one 500g jar of honey.

  • Beeswax

    Younger bees are tasked with producing beeswax. This is produced from wax glands on their abdomen. The bees will then use this wax to build the comb to store honey and also for the queen to lay eggs.

    The beeswax we collect during honey extraction is cleaned in our solar wax melter and used to make beeswax balms and ointments.

  • Propolis

    Trees and plants excrete resin to protect themselves from pests and diseases. The bees collect this resin from various plants and trees and uses it within the hive to glue everything together and also to protect the hive from infections and disease.

    We collect this propolis and use it in many of our beeswax products.